About Lynn


Lynn and her 2 daughters celebrating Mother’s Day at the Jersey Shore

Hi! I’m Lynn Bardowski, founder of Million Dollar Party Girl. Don’t let the name fool you. It’s more about a working Mom who discovered her inner visionista when she was least expecting it – overcoming fear, failure and mommy-guilt to follow her passion and purpose, building a multi-million dollar direct sales organization.

Growing up in a middle class family at the Jersey shore, I spent a lot of time conjuring up ideas to make my fortune. After college I married a local boy, Bill, and landed a lucrative sales job. The money flowed in, but my happiness trickled out. It took the birth of my two daughters to wake me up. The dream job I thought I wanted was someone else’s dream, not mine.

It was December, 1989, when I opened my mailbox to find an invite to a PartyLite party. Yeah, that kind of home party. The glow of candlelight illuminated the friendships and stirred something in my gut. Was it the onion dip? Or, was this the sign I had been looking for?

Achieving record-breaking success by building to the highest level in the company by the end of my second year in biz (before Google or Facebook). PS: I have no idea how I got my bangs to get that high.

Selling candles at home parties was not exactly what I thought I would be doing when I grew up. My ego jumped right in, “What will your friends and family think? How will you give up your BMW?” But my heart whispered, “You’ve found your girl squad. Candles feed your soul. You can make a difference. Listen to your intuition.”

Intuition won. I said goodbye to the corporate sales career and the status that went with it. Family and friends thought I was crazy. What they didn’t know was that a woman with purpose, passion and vision can’t be stopped. After 27 years of mentoring thousands of direct sellers to succeed I passed the torch, and retired as a top Leader and income earner. My new mission? Share my expertise with a global community of direct sales leaders and party plan reps who are reaching those same crossroads, not sure how to get from here to there but ready to learn how a Million Dollar Party Girl did it.

Stop overthinking and start doing. Join me and discover how to rock your inner Visionista so you can build your dream life!

Meeting top Directors Tabitha Brinkman and Nikki Hight after keynoting the Tupperware Conference in TX

More Resources:

Direct Sales Success book series *On Amazon

Social Girl LIVE show replays (on YouTube)

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