From Hobbyist to Quitting Her Job

Are you wondering how you can make enough money to quit your day job so you can go all-in on your dream?

Then tap play to watch my interview with Jennifer Ozman. Jenn was a self-proclaimed hobbyist for over ten years, but then something happened.

She watched other women succeed and realized that if they could do it, she could too.

And that’s why I’m sharing her inspiring story with you.

Jenn went from a part-time mompreneur who was doing a couple of parties each month to 15+ parties with $8K/monthly in personal sales and recruiting 25 people a year.

Her entrepreneur success story doesn’t end there. Last year, Jenn had to switch gears  and start over with a new company AND new product. In the middle of a pandemic. As Jenn says, it was her ‘sink or swim’ moment. She could try to get another job and go back to work full-time, or she could hustle her butt off and make it work.

Jen chose tenacity and determination over giving up. In the last seven months, she’s earned a trip for two and moved up four leadership levels.

Her word for the year? Unstoppable.

Mindset is everything, my friend.

Ok, your turn. What are you going to go for that you didn’t think was possible? Tell us in the comments.

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