Make Your Direct Sales Business Successful This Summer


Are you looking for new, innovative ideas to make your direct sales business successful this summer? I’ve got ‘em! You’re probably going to be taking a road trip or vacation, so let’s start with tip #1:

Operation summer expansion

If you’re traveling out-of-state, why not mix business with pleasure and bring a few products and biz tools? Offer a few samples to the hotel staff, ask a family member to host a party while you’re in town, or pop-up at the campground while you’re glamping! A road trip to my bro’s home in my first year of biz turned into a party for my direct sales biz. I ended up sponsoring my sister-in-law, who sponsored a team that built a million dollar organization. So you just never know where that summer road trip can take you!

Book more parties this week

Start by working with the hostesses you already have booked. Use Direct booking seeds and challenge the hostess for a pre-booking before party time. Say, “Who do you know that has a pool, patio or deck?” Reach out and ask if they’ll host a pool party! Go from 2 bookings to 4! 3 to 6! 6 to 12! This works because odds are that anyone who has invested mucho dinero in a pool, patio or deck wants to show it off and utilize their awesome outdoor space. And they only have 3 months to do it.

Expand your network…

…and your mind: start or join a book club! Most book clubs have a Facebook Group, which means you can make new connections beyond your backyard (and warm market). Your new friends will naturally be curious about what you do. If you’ve optimized your Facebook Profile, they can easily find out more about you (and your biz!). But don’t make all your posts about you. Instead, comment, engage and be helpful before you mention anything about your direct selling business.

Relaunch your Facebook Group

Have you been hearing crickets in your Group? If so, it’s time for a summer makeover. Double your connections (and group members) by collaborating with a like-minded woman who has the same ideal client as you. Invite them to co-admin your group so you are both sharing tips and adding value. A fresh face in the Group can wake up even the most inactive members. Change your group cover photo, rename your Group, or create new daily themes.

Collab partner examples:
Jewelry reps > collaborate with a fashion stylist
Hair clip reps > collaborate with a Hairdresser
Skincare reps > collaborate with a Makeup artist
Organizing & Home Decor reps > collaborate with a Decorator

Launch your Facebook Group reboot with a members-only How-To Event (held in the Group). You can call it 5 Smart Ways To ___________, and invite non-members to request to join so they get all the tips. You can even create a Facebook Ad to target your ideal client. Who’s building a booming community? That would be you.

Keep your home team engaged while you’re at Conference

Take a group pic with your Conference squad. Then use an app like Postagram to keep your home team motivated and feeling like they are part of the fun! Send a “wish you were here” postcard and include a reminder about your post-Conference training event.

Find cool (or hot) vendor events!

There are unique vendor events that only happen during the summer months, which means they might be off the radar. Yaaasss, you can finally be the first from your company to get a spot. Summer vendor event ideas include: Summer Women’s conferences, Music Festivals, Camp Ground events, Street fairs, Food Truck Festivals, and events at Children’s Activity Centers/Gyms.

Bonus tip: Search for events near you.

Watch this replay of my Social Girl LIVE show to get more direct sales success tips!

Ready to really rock your direct sales biz?

Join my VIP Group for direct sellers and get my popular Vendor Event Course as a bonus... a $97 value! PLUS 2 more gifts: What to post on your Facebook Page to book more Facebook parties and my Top 10 Call-To-Action Posts For Facebook Parties, along with How To Build A Booming Facebook Group in your exclusive Members-Only Learning Center. Learn more. Lynn Bardowski is an award-winning entrepreneur and bestselling author of Success Secrets of a Million Dollar Party Girl. In addition, she speaks to global audiences about Direct Sales Success, Women’s Empowerment, and Social Selling. What's more, she's a valuable resource for press, media and bloggers. Follow Lynn on her social sites by clicking on the icons on the top left of this page.
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